Category Archives: Uncategorized

Interconnectedness at the Heart of Delta Lives – III

We observed World Environment Day on 5th June with a collaborative post by Sritama and Arijit (Sritama did the secondary literature research and wrote the text, Arijit contributed the photographs and was part of the primary research with Barnamala who also adapted and designed the writing and photos for social media). In the process, we […]

Interconnectedness at the Heart of Delta Lives, II

One of our aims at Delta Lives has been to effect a global perception shift about the everyday lives of people in the deltas, starting from the Sundarbans. For that, our local participants first need to know about the neighbourhoods they inhabit in the deltas and connect with their talents, skills and practices and form […]

Interconnectedness, at the heart of Delta Lives – I

The 9th of May is Rabindranath Tagore’s birthday. Last week, we celebrated the occasion with a melody and a song contribution by Chinmay Mandal –singer and musician from Bali island, Sundarbans who performs across islands in the delta and beyond. His wife Moumita has been a long-time singing partner, as Chinmay stirs up popular melodies […]

A Delta with its Five Fingers Spread – Delta Lives in the C3 program

“If you think you can grasp me, think again:my story flows in more than one directiona delta springing from the riverbedwith its five fingers spread.”– from “Delta” by Adrienne Rich Many roads, creeks and channels led into Delta Lives. Every time we visited the Sundarbans delta, we would find parts of key jetties broken. On […]

Beyond Tigers and Climate Disasters- The Sundarbans people

When did this start?Delta Lives is a framework which happened over time, and as with all passion projects which dream big, it is not easy to give this an inauguration or initiation day. It grew from many-seeded ideas of certain keora fruits splattering to a wooly mesh of questions. And then developed tender twigs, and […]